Saturday, August 22, 2020

Protestant Reformation :: Religion History

Protestant Reformation In the sixteenth century the Protestant Reformation partitioned the Roman Catholic Church. This change was driven by Martin Luther whose unique goals were to change the congregation, yet brought about a split among Protestant and Catholic. Before long the Protestant Church itself partitioned bringing about two additional houses of worship, one Protestant, and the other changed church. The Reformed Church is otherwise called Presbyterian, whose prominent pioneer was John Calvin. John Calvin had numerous convictions which had been received by the Presbyterian Church. His thoughts were changed from those in the Catholic Church. Presbyterians do have confidence in the Trinity as Catholics do yet contrast from Catholicism when managing thoughts like unique sin, salvation, and the possibility of compensation. Presbyterians accept that unique sin is established in irresoluteness which carried man to fall. The possibility of salvation to Presbyterians is that salvation is reached through the finesse of God, established in the profound confidence of an individual. Catholics have faith in atonement for sins through compromise. Presbyterians accept that compensation is managed legitimately with God. At last, Presbyterians accept that God’s truth was and is exemplified in Jesus Christ, Lord, and Guardian angel. One of Calvin’s convictions incorporated that of which God will be God of state and country and the state must be guided by his promise. This thought is exemplified in the possibility of common government. The Presbyterian government was initially formen when John Calvin was in Geneva. In a Presbyterian type of government there are four distinct officials. There are ministers, instructors, 12 chosen older folks, and elders. The older folks are believed to be equivalent to the pastorate. Through this legislature the Presbyterian faith in all out existence of the network is shown and tried. The Presbyterian meaning of a ceremony is an outward sign by which the Lord speaks to and affirms his positive attitude towards us. A holy observance is a declaration of God’s elegance. Presbyterians recognize two holy observances. One is Baptism, and the other Eucharist. Submersion is an image of purging, absolution of unique sin permanetly, and makes all of us share in the passing and revival of Jesus Christ. It makes us one with God. The ceremony of the Eucharist is a memory of Christ’s passing and an admission of confidence.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Best Comics We Read in January 2015

The Best Comics We Read in January 2015 We asked our contributors to share the best comic they read last month. We’ve got capes, science-fiction, slice of life, and much, much more. Some are old, some are new, and some aren’t even out yet. Enjoy and tell us about the highlight of your reading month in the comments. Star Wars #1 by Jason Aaron and John Cassaday Dark Horse kept the flame of Star Wars fandom alive for years between film trilogies and beyond, right on up through last years wonderful Star Wars Legacy II. They were the true stewards of the Foce. Its bittersweet, then, to see Luke, Leia, and Han charging into battle under a Marvel logo. Jason Aaron and John Cassaday didnt lose a step in taking up the torch, however, delivering a gleeful new chapter set in that ever-crowded space between Episodes IV and V. Threepio is just as nebbish as ever, and Han Solo as charming. It even has an opening crawl! You wont even need to fire up the John Williams score; itll already be playing in your minds ear.  â€"Paul Montgomery What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions by Randall Munroe Also, I gave it to my eleven-year-old son and he stayed up until 1:30 in the morning to finish it. That, my friends, is an all-ages book rec. â€" Sigrid Ellis The Hospital Suite by John Porcellino Oh, another super depressing medical autobiographical comic to add to my collection? Don’t mind if I do! The Hospital Suite is a beautiful, heart wrenching comic written and drawn by King-Cat Comics creator, John Porcellino. It details Porcellino’s ever increasing list of both physical and mental illness and how badly it devastated every facet of his life. He gets into the nitty gritty of dealing with hyperacusis, mystery digestive issues and obsessive compulsive disorder. Then he really digs into how it destroyed his marriage, his friendships and any ability to work. The thing about Porcellino is, he doesn’t hold back for a second. He talks about how crippling his OCD is to his everyday life in such an honest, off-the-cuff way that makes you feel uncomfortable, almost like you broke into his personal journal that should have been heavily guarded with a lock and key. His black and white art is very, very loose and almost rudimentary at times, but it totally works. It really hel ps to enforce naked truth feel of the book. Porcellino isn’t trying to hide behind any bells and whistles, he just wants to tell his story.  If you dug books like Our Cancer Year by Harvey Pekar, Stitches by David Small, or Epileptic by David B, this is right up your alley for sure.  â€"Eric Margolis Wayward #1â€"5 by Jim Zub, Steve Cummings, and John Rauch On an off-hand recommendation from a friend, I bought Wayward #1-5â€"and absolutely devoured them. Rori Lane is a pretty normal teenager; half Japanese, half Irish, and moving to Tokyo to live with her mother. She thinks her problems are going to be finding new friends and adjusting to the Japanese school system, but these are quickly the least of her worries. Strange creatures pop out of alleyways to attack her, strange allies appear when she least expects them, and she is manifesting strange powers of her own. Did I mention that her life becomes strange? This series is smart, funny, packed with action, and an absolute must-read for fans of school tales, kick-ass heroines, and mythology. Zub handles the dialogue with flair, Cummings art is a delight to look at (especially in the fight sequences), and John Rauch and Zubs combined talents make the colors jump off the page. The first collection, Wayward Volume 1: String Theory, comes out in April, but I recommend getting your hands on the issues. Each contains bonus essays at the end, about Japanese culture and the myths behind the monsters that Rori encountersâ€"I wish every fable-inspired series was so well researched and documented.  â€"Jenn Northington Rat Queens Special: Braga #1  by Kurtis J. Weibe and Tess Fowler Oh, Rat Queens. It is so good to have you back. This comic does representation so very well. Everyone we’re introduced to is a fully realized character, full of flaws and strengths and quirks. On top of that, the creators have made an effort to keep the cast of this bawdy fantasy epic diverse. This month’s issue is no exception. A one-shot character piece, Rat Queens: Braga #1  focuses on orc warrior Braga, who we learn is transgender. And the story we get from her past isn’t about her transition, it’s personal story about how she came to leave her orc clan. A fierce warrior and first-born son of the Chieftain, then-Broog wants not nothing more than to bring prosperity and peace to the clan; to make the clan better, to be a better person. But her father and power-hungry brother are more interested in raiding and pillaging, as the clan has always done. The story is framed as Braga talking to her lover in between sexy times. Which is another thing I love about Rat Queens; those ladies can get it! And they’re not shamed or exploited for their sexuality, but rather empowered by it. This comic is nothing but awesome.  â€"Ali Colluccio Casanova: Acedia #1 by Matt Fraction, Michael Chabon, Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba Casanova is my favorite comic that I have no idea how to talk about. I end up being afraid to talk about it because there seems to be so much to discuss that I don’t know what to grab on to, and I get worried I’m not smart enough to get it, and then I’m worried that because I don’t know how to talk about it, I’ll be subject to the jeer that the book is not really smart, it’s just pseudo-smart and the only people who like it are gullible people who only think it’s deep. Casanova is the kind of book that gets that rap, sort of like basically anything by Grant Morrison. But I’m over it. I like this book because I like it, because the story and the art work together in an amazing way, and the color palette  by Chris Peter looks like absolutely nothing else and reading it makes me feel happy and like I’m in the hands of people who get it, even if I’m not sure what “it” is. I couldn’t pass a quiz on all the dimension hopping and recurring references of the last three volumes but that’s actually okay. You know? So what is the deal with Casanova. The current volume is actually a good jump-on point, improbably enough, because dimension hopping super spy/thief Casanova Quinn is suffering from amnesia and isn’t sure how he got to be a functionary for the Hemingway-lookalike fisherman who pulled him out of the water and also, coincidentally, can’t remember the first 30 years of his own life. So readers can be baffled along with Cass. Also, there’s a backup story written by Michael Chabon (because, sure, why not?) about the members of T.A.M.I, a teen girl band that’s been a running gag in the series from the start. This book looks great and it reads like nothing else and, however improbably, it always brings a smile to my face. And that’s cool.  â€"Caroline Pruett Shadow Show #2 by Neil Gaiman, Maria Fröhlich, Audrey Niffenegger, and Eddie Campbell Ray Bradbury is one of my favorite authors of all time. Neil Gaiman is another. I already own and have read Shadow Show: All-New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury. It’s a collection of stories put together just after he died by other authors he inspired. The Man Who Forgot Ray Bradbury is a beautiful story from this book that pays tribute to Bradbury’s body of work. The first part of this issue is an illustrated retelling of that story. It spins through the mind of a man who remembers Bradbury’s stories, but not the man himself. For a big Bradbury fan who’s read many of his stories, seeing this short story come to life with Maria Fröhlich’s art was a gorgeous treat.  â€"Chris Arnone Alex + Ada #11 by Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn Androids are a danger to society. That’s the notion overtaking the general public in Alex + Ada #11. Tensions reach a fever pitch when the government puts measures in place to limit androids’ appearances in public and a crackdown on those who unlock their robots’ sentience. On the personal front, Alex is struggling with his relationship with Ada, and she’s trying her best to navigate a society that is prejudiced against her, though she feels no malice towards humans. This series does what the best sci-fi literature does. It critiques our society, especially racial and ethnic prejudices as well as media and government fear mongering. It’s all wrapped up in a context that rings true to the reader but also allows distance enough from reality to be fertile ground for discussion and pondering over the larger thematic issues. â€"Andi Miller The Sculptor by Scott McCloud It seems as though everyone has been buzzing about Scott McClouds first graphic novel in who knows how long, and the question is: Is this book worth the wait and the buzz? My answer: YES, no question. Its a beautiful, heart-wrenching story of one man who agrees to pay the ultimate price for fame and glory, but forgets about the smaller moments of living in between that hell be sacrificing. I loved this story, especially because of McClouds art. This is a story that really can only be told in comics, and its an amazing example of what comics can do. Highly recommended, whether youre a seasoned comics reader or new to the genre.  â€"Swapna Krishna The Multiversity Guidebook #1 by Grant Morrison, Marcus To, Paulo Siquera, and many more In true DC fashion, this Guidebook serves as a Secret Files and Origins-type book that fills readers in on the 52 different worlds that make-up the DC Multiverse. Just on the merits of serving as a gazetteer this book is a great read. Employing nearly 52 pencilers, inkers, and colorists we get a brief snapshot of each world and its major heroes. While some of the descriptions seem light we do get some true gems, from the new take on Earth-X to Hippie Central Earth-47 and the Robot Heroes of Earth-44. There’s enough groundwork for future writers to follow while still being open enough to allow for a lot of play with the concept of each Earth. But where The Multiversity Guidebook really shines is in its story. The map of the multiverse and the descriptions of each Earth are part of the tale, as two different sets of characters learn about the nature of their universe. This story is dual-penciled by Marcus To and Paulo Siquera who both do superlative work and who offer distinct styles to set their worlds apart. We follow two Batmen from different worlds in To’s more cartoony segment. These two heroes have been thrust together as worlds are beginning to bleed into one another. Teaming up out of necessity, they stumble upon a comic book guide that the diminutive Batman believes will help them stop the team of Dr. Sivanas hell bent on overtaking… everything. In Siquera’s more realistic, nigh-Prince Valiant, segments we follow Kamandi the Last Boy, biOMAC, and Lord Tuftan as they look for a lost friend but instead discover a deeper threat of theirâ€"and everyâ€"world. Through both stories we begin to see the larger story of The Multiversity beginning to take shape, as the skies begin to turn red and the House of Heroes comes under attack. The high point of the issue comes when Kamandi discovers the story of the creation of the Mutliverse painted on a cave wall. As he finishes off the more mythic portions of the tale we transition to a comic book that fills in the modern additions to that creation story. It’s a sweeping tale which links all of DC’s crises into a singular meta-narrative that begins with a Flash.  â€"Brian McNamara Shazam: From the 40’s to the 70’s This book has been my white whale for years now. I grew up pouring over its sister titlesâ€"Batman: From the 30’s to the 70’s and Superman: From the 30’s to the 70’sâ€"time and again. Each of those had several reprints over the years and can be found for a reasonable price through various online dealers if you’re a little lucky. The Shazam title was more elusive. It contains a little history and a lot of reprints of stories starring the original Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family, known since the 1970s as the Shazam family. Most of the stories found in the book have never been reprinted before, so finding ways to read them can be tough. However, the interlibrary loan department of my library came through for me in a big way and tracked down a copy for me to borrow. Spending time with it, and reading the first stories of Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., the evil Mr. Mind, and so many more, is revelatory. This title not only brought me to a time well before I was born but also to my own childhood when I was discovering the many depictions of heroes who’d been around for decades. Seeing how characters change over time has always been a particular fascination of mine, so to experience it once again was welcome. Sometimes, when you get something you’ve wanted for years, it can be a let down. In this case, it was just about the most I could have hoped for.  â€"Jeff Reid Sign up to The Stack to receive  Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

This essay will be examining the key arguments for the...

This essay will be examining the key arguments for the existence of God, in order to discuss the claim that â€Å"it is wrong to believe in anything without sufficient evidence†- with reference to the non-existence of God. It will be exploring both a priori and an a posteriori argument for the existence of God. It will solely be concentrating on the Theological argument, Cosmological argument and the Ontological argument, in order, to analyse their significance and contribution in vindicating the claim for the existence of God. The essay will begin by providing a clear philosophical characterisation of the God of Classical Theism, in order to accurately evaluate the arguments for his existence. The essay will explore varying interpretations†¦show more content†¦The Teleological argument is a posteriori and inductive argument. It is based on the observation of order in the world, and that the complexity of the universe shows evidence of design. This design implies a d esigner; capable and sentient, and this designer is God. The argument is split into two parts: design qua purpose and design qua regularity (Jordan, et al., 2002). Design qua regularity looks at the evidence of design, found in the order and regularity in the universe (Jordan, et al., 2002). It was first developed in the 13th century by St Thomas Aquinas, who in his ‘fifth way’ in Summa Theologica, argued that the world of nature is like an arrow shot from an archer’s bow, it has direction and purpose even if it lacks awareness as â€Å"some intelligent being exists by whom all natural things are directed to their end: and this being we call God† (Aquinas, 2009, p. 23). William Paley, another key contributor in of the Teleological argument, uses the planetary movements and Newton’s laws of motion are also specific examples to provide evidence for design qua regularity part of the argument (Paley Ware, 1857). Design qua purpose looks at the evidence of design in relation to the ways in which the parts of the universe appear to fit together for some purpose. William Paley put forward the most famous form of the design qua purpose argument in his book Natural Theology (Paley Ware, 1857). Paley used the analogy of a watch and suggestedShow MoreRelatedSaint Athanasius of Alexandria and the Council of Nicaea2927 Words   |  12 Pagesserved as bishop. Athanasius was exiled five times over his 45 years serving as bishop; this does not include the six other incidents that caused him to flee Alexandria. The first exile that Athanasius faced was under Emperor Constantine. In July of 335, Athanasius was accused of threatening to interfere with the supply of grains from Egypt. Constantine exiled Athanasius for two and a half years. During this period of time, Athanasius fled to Trier, Germany. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should College Students Be Allowed On College Campuses

Beginning August 2016 concealed handguns will be allowed on campus, which in my opinion is not a good thing. College students should not be allowed to carry handguns on a university campus because it is not safe. College students like myself stress out and sometimes do not think clearly which, is also a leading cause of irrational thinking or behaviour. Texas has had one school shooting within this past year and two within the last four years. Guns should not be permitted on college campuses due the fact that college students are the most stressed out individuals, college is meant to be a safe environment, and it will degrade the name of the University. A person is under pressure or stressed the most during their college career than in any other part of their life, especially during finals week. At this age, most of these students are experiencing different types of stress, such as keeping grades up, making sure to not spend money, and working a part time job. Stress has multiple symptoms such as depression, anger, and irrational behavior. Texas has only faced one shooting in the past year at Lone Star College due to an altercation that started with an accidental bumping into each other. If this could set off a person to pull a gun out then just imagine what could also set off a college students. College students do not think rationally when under pressure for example, what if a college student receives a failing grade on an assignment and is upset or stressed andShow MoreRelatedSpeech On The Bill Of Rights1153 Words   |  5 Pagesspeech to be allowed on campuses –without knowing the effects and the damage it could do. Hate speech could bring people down, lower their confidences and their school performance, and in some case, school avoidance. The audiences of offensive speech on campuses are students. At these ages, their brains are still developing and are very sensitive. Hate speech could affect the way they think for their entire life, and in the worst case, it could result in violence. Hate speech should not be protectedRead MorePersuasive For Why Guns Should Be Allowed On College Campuses883 Words   |  4 PagesRefutation for Why Guns Should be allowed on College Campuses Gun-control laws are a very controversial topic right now in the U.S., especially when it comes to allowing concealed-carry holders on college campuses. Nevertheless, guns should be permitted for concealed carry on college campuses if the carriers have concealed-carry licenses because mass shootings occur mostly in gun-free zones. There have been many incidents in which concealed-carry holders have disarmed attackers, and concealed-carryRead MoreShould Weapons Carry A Concealed Weapon?928 Words   |  4 Pagesissues behind them. College students are already aroused and stressed to do extraordinary in their courses. Would consenting untrained students to carry concealed weapons around campus be such an enticing idea, when at any moment someone could lose their mind and go on a shooting rage? One may never know what kind of background that specific being that carries a concealed firearm has. In reality no one knows what kind of effect this would have towards universities or college c ampuses, but it could resultRead MoreShould Guns Be Allowed On College Campuses?948 Words   |  4 PagesComparison and Contrast Paper: Should Guns Be Allowed on College Campuses? Hi I am a college student at Palm Beach State College in Florida West Palm Beach. One time I went to a guns store in which you can also practice how to use a gun. I was fourteen years the first time that I used a gun. I went to the place with my sister, three cousins and my father. The truth is that it was fun to use a gun, although we all knew it was dangerous to use one if we had not have any experience with it beforehandRead MoreThe Assault At Lone Star Community College1680 Words   |  7 Pagesof January 2013, Carlton Berry was accused of opening fire at Lone Star College. He was accused of shooting two people before wounding himself in the leg. Even though it came to be known in the course of the investigation that it was really not Carlton Berry who was involved, but Trey Foster, the question arises as to whether guns should be allowed in colleges. This lone incidence that happened at Lone Star Community College reflects the April 16th, the year 2007 where there was a shootin g on theRead MoreStudents Deserve the Right to Protect Themselves Essay1301 Words   |  6 PagesThe Second Amendment guarantees that an individual’s right to possess and bear arms will not be infringed upon, yet college campuses have denied their students’ right to carry a weapon for years. As of 2014, 22 states do not allow students to carry guns on campus and 22 leave the policy of guns on campus to the schools. The remaining 6 allow students to carry weapons, but not necessarily into school buildings. Only in Utah is a student’s right to concealed carry protected by state law. WhileRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Concealment Should Be Allowed On College Campuses Essay1233 Words   |  5 Pageseverywhere we go in today’s society. There is no way out and no way to escape it. Going to college, does not make you feel any safer than being outside of college. Mass shootings this year have increased, especially in school all over the United States. Even t hough, the shootings have been in most high schools, they can be on college campuses just as well. Gun concealment should be allowed on college campuses. We deserve the right to protect ourselves. We deserve to feel safe anywhere we go withoutRead MoreShould College Campuses Be Banned?1256 Words   |  6 Pagesheinous crimes on the campuses of the schools. These crimes have taken place everywhere, from Columbine High School all the way to a classroom on the Virginia Tech campus. To be more specific the most devastating crime that can take place on a collegiate campus is a mass shooting. So, with more and more states beginning to allow those who possess a conceal carry permit, to carry at more places throughout the state. The question is asked, should college campuses allow students to carry a concealedRead MoreSmoking Should Not Be Allowed on Campuses753 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking Should Not Be Allowed On Campuses Because of the improvement of technology, it is easier and more affordable to buy cigarettes. Smoking becomes general phenomenon. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), there are an estimated 42.1 million adults in the United States currently smoke cigarettes. However, the report also said that more than 2.4 million people died in the USA annually, and over 480,000 people died because of smoking. Medical NewsRead MoreGun Control: Weapons On Campus. Bruce Willis Once Stated,1700 Words   |  7 Pagesintroduces the controversy of whether guns should be allowed on college campuses throughout the United States or not. There have been multiple public shootings on campuses throughout America, but there is no definite solution to stopping these catastrophes from occurring. Many politicians and citizens are asking themselves the same question: Will guns make students safer or endanger them? This statement can be disputed both ways because many believe that col lege students are not mature enough to handle guns

Having eaten what would Free Essays

The day started out like any other one I had. I woke up to the sounds of my mother puttering pots and pans in our yellow-painted sunny kitchen downstairs. Smoothing my pajamas a bit, I went down our creaky stairs, wondering what’s for breakfast and what to wear today. We will write a custom essay sample on Having eaten what would or any similar topic only for you Order Now I thought about my still unused black top with a pink print that mom bought the other day at the mall and wondered if I would look good in it. As I got nearer the kitchen, the smell of my favorite toast and scrambled eggs wafted deliciously in the air. Upon reaching the open kitchen door, I greeted mom with my usual big grin and sat facing her, who was washing the dishes that she used for cooking. Having eaten what would have fed an army of hungry soldiers; I drank what’s left of my old coffee mug and dashed upstairs to prepare for school. Having shouted a hurried goodbye to mom and dad from across the house, I hopped to the front porch, the smell of mom’s yummy toast still following me on the way out. Looking up, I saw that the skies promises a good day for everyone, with the sun shining comfortably above, and the wind softly touching the leaves of the trees which lined the sidewalk. And because I was scheduled to go to an orphanage after classes are dismissed for a project, I hoped the weather will last till the afternoon. With what I had just wolfed down for breakfast, I literally sang my way to school, getting smiles along the way for my seemingly infectious good mood. The day went by uneventfully, with the exception of my burly economics teacher pointing out that I was looking so much outside the newly-cleaned classroom window he joked if I was wondering why it wasn’t clean enough. When the bell sounded signaling class dismissal, I was one of the first to go out the room, thinking I might as well hurry up and go to the orphanage so I can go home early. This is the first time I was going to an orphanage and I did not know what to expect. Little did I know that my trip to that old, run-down building would change how I see life in general from that point on. Going outside the school building, I saw that the good morning weather did not hold. It was a wet, dismal afternoon, the pendulous branches of the silver maples sweeping the ground. The orphanage was a long, drab rectangular building, three stories high and badly in need of repair. The outer walls were soot- blackened and pockmarked with grey blobs where the plasters had flaked off. A white inner core revealed by recent flaking showed up here and there. Upon entering the orphanage, I immediately sensed the sad atmosphere of the place as it looked dark and dismal to me, but I thought that perhaps it was just the use of the building that made it seemed so. The windows were small and set well back in the blotchy walls. The ground floor was comprised of the director’s sleeping quarters, kitchen, dining room, administrative offices and chapel, all connected by a corridor which ran right around the building, forming an inner rectangle and overlooking a courtyard on all four sides. However it was the lack of options in the children’s lives that had no choice but to grow up there struck me the most. Although the building was a better place to live in than the streets, the surroundings are disheartening. The profusion of a variety of flowers lining the paved path walk towards the main door of the orphanage did not help much to bring cheerfulness to the place. No pictures or posters broke the monotony. One child said that often, the water did not turn on, and the toilets did not always work. Unlike many children who have homes to call their own including me, the children had no choice about the kinds or even the amount of food, though they had an adequate diet. Each child was assigned a bed with sparsely bedding, placed in two long rows along the third floor of the building, two to each bed for children seven years old and below. The second floor was taken up by the bare classrooms where the children were taught. With only a small number of financial contributors, I was told that the orphanage was regularly hard pressed to care for the growing number of orphans. At the time that I spent there, I observed that the children’s day was ruled by the sound of a loud bell – by its shrill ring they would know that it was time to start the afternoon prayers, or eat their main meal. I noticed most of the children have a pleading look in their eyes when they look at outsiders who visit the building. With unwavering gaze, one child, about six years old with a creamy olive skin, enormous dark eyes and a long, shining dark brown hair, constantly followed me around, even when I went inside the office of the orphanage director to ask him several questions. As I walked down a long hallway towards the director’s office, she was like my shadow following my every step. I immediately noticed the peeling paint on the walls of the small office that the tall, kindly director invited me in, while seeing from the corner of my eye that the child has reluctantly stepped back to let the director close the wooden door. I brought out the list of questions that I prepared from my backpack, along with my small, black recorder, and I immediately started the interview to which the director answered as much as he can. Straightening up from the hard chair and shaking his hands while thanking him for his time, I headed outside when the bell rang for the evening meal. From all over the old building the orphans began to collect outside the dining hall. In their drab gray uniforms, they all looked the same, dreary and colorless. Just like the orphanage building itself. Thinking back, the orphanage was not a harsh place. It was just sadness hung in the air like a sour smell. I never really saw my life as sad. I was blessed in so many ways that the orphans were not, although these blessings I failed to be really thankful of until that day at the orphanage. When I got back home, I hugged my mom so tight she had an inquiring look on her face when I let her go, and smelled the appetizing aroma of dinner cooking, the pleasant smell of home. As we sat together had chicken with chardonnay and fresh herbs, I recounted my experience at the orphanage and what I saw there. In the midst of our family talk, I said a silent prayer of thanks for the blessings that I previously took for granted. Before, I thought that I lacked so many things in life. But after a day at the orphanage, I become conscious of every little thing that I am blessed with. Most especially my parents, who were sitting with me at dinner that time; talking animatedly about how we could make the orphans happy, if only for a day. How to cite Having eaten what would, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The First World War Memories free essay sample

The First World War was, among other things, truly remarkable for its scope and cold mechanical efficiency. Armed with mass produced machines of the industrial age, the patriotic young men who set off to fight in the summer of 1914 did so with an unprecedented, limitless and thoroughly unexpected ability to kill. They carry within themselves the heroic ideals of the classical heroes of past times, marching with an increasing insistence on defeating the enemy and gaining honour and glory for their country.However, the shockingly savage nature of the opening weeks shattered these beliefs, as in the wake of artillery barrages, machine guns fire and poison gas, honour, glory and the acts of the individual lost all meanings. Instead of a quick and easy war promised by the politicians, the lost generation of Europe found themselves waiting to be killed by faceless enemies as they crouched miserably in muddy, rat infested holes. We will write a custom essay sample on The First World War: Memories or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Death hovered them day and night, and they were surrounded by the horrors of the air raids and missiles as they are crouching in their trenches without any hope. â€Å"There is nothing in all this inferno but mud and thunder†.Owen wrote to his mother describing their suffering in the trenches of the front lines. British trenches, â€Å"dug where the water tables were highest, were always wet and frequently filled with several feet of water contaminated by feces, urine, and rats so that a soldier was continually wading in filth.† The air, too, had a swampy, diseased quality. â€Å"You could smell the front line miles before you could see it,† Paul Fussell writes, explaining that besides the rats and the human refuse, the â€Å"stench of rotten flesh was over everything.† Corpses of rats, horses, and men might stay unburied and rotting for months. The narrow trenches offered no escape from any of these horrors. Even the sky above, so often a metaphor of freedom and beauty, offered no release from these horrors, but, on the contrary, symbolizes death from above for the soldiers. Enemy’s bombs could arrive anywhere at any time. â€Å"Heaven† Owen writes, rather than a symbol of hope, became merely â€Å"the highway for a shell.†

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Character, I essays

Character, I essays When writing a fiction story, the main goal for an author is to base a good plot along with one or a few good characters. Because the author is acting as a creator when writing fiction, these characters can be anything in the world they would like them to be. They can be simple and straightforward or complex and intricate. The most important choice an author must make when trying to place characters in a story is how to illustrate each character in its most effective way. There are two ways an author can approach presenting a character, indirectly or directly. They can elaborate this presentation by making the characters flat, round, dramatized or more. Whichever way they chose to depict these characters, they must be sure that by the end of the story, the character is not necessarily complete, but is consistent with their decision-making and behavior. In Im a Fool, Sherwood Anderson uses indirect presentation to show us, instead of tell us, who Walter, the protagonist of the story, is. We can tell she uses indirect presentation because there are very few points in the story that tells us how Walter feels, or who Walter is, we must figure it out ourselves. Im a Fool, is written as though Walter was writing directly to us. He is telling us of a time in his life where he did something he now regrets. You immediately get a sense of humor from Walter in the opening paragraph, When I think of it, I want to cry or swear or kick myself. Perhaps, there will be a kind of satisfaction in making myself look cheap by telling of it. His story starts out very broad giving us small details throughout, which slowly build up Walter as well as building up the plot. As the story goes on we learn more and more about Walter. We learn that he does not like people who flaunt their wealth. He actually is very against putting on that kind of airs. This is most likely because he is not wea...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Postal Abbreviations for Provinces in Canada

Postal Abbreviations for Provinces in Canada Accurate addresses do not just help lower costs by eliminating redelivery and extra handling;  being accurate also reduces the carbon footprint of mail delivery and gets mail where it needs to go faster. It helps to know the correct two-letter province and territory abbreviations if sending mail in Canada. Accepted Postal Abbreviations The two-letter abbreviations for Canadian provinces and territories that are recognized by Canada Post for mail in Canada are based on the English spellings of the names, though the two letters also appear in the French spellings. Northwest Territories, for instance, uses the initials NT, which is the first letters of each word in English, but the first and last letters of the French Nord-Ouest. The country is divided into administrative divisions known as provinces  and territories. The 10 provinces are Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. The three territories are Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon. Province/Territory Abbreviation Alberta AB British Columbia BC Manitoba MB New Brunswick NB Newfoundland and Labrador NL Northwest Territories NT Nova Scotia NS Nunavut NU Ontario ON Prince Edward Island PE Quebec QC Saskatchewan SK Yukon YT Canada Post has specific postal code rules. Postal codes are an alphanumeric number, similar to a ZIP code in the United States. They are used for mailing, sorting and delivering the mail in Canada and are handy for other information about your area. Similar to Canada, the U.S. Postal Service uses two-letter postal abbreviations for each state and territory in the United States. The Canadian and the United States postal services have an agreement to avoid overlapping of postal abbreviations to avoid confusion when mail is sent between the neighboring countries. Mail Format and Stamps Any letter sent within Canada has the destination address of the center of its envelope with a stamp or meter label on the top right corner of the envelope. A return address, although not required, can be put on the top left corner or the back of the envelope. The address should be printed clearly or in an easy-to-read typeface. First Line: Name of recipientSecond Line: Civic address (street address)Last Line: Municipality name, a single space, the two-letter province abbreviation, two full spaces, and then the postal code. Any additional information should appear between the second and last lines. Some rural mail does not include a civic or street address and requires such additional information. If you are sending mail within Canada, a country designation is not necessary. If you are sending mail to Canada from another country, follow all of the same instructions as listed above, but add the word Canada on a separate line at the very bottom.   First-class mail to Canada from the United States is set at international rates, and thus costs more than a letter mailed within the United States. Check with your local post office to be sure you have the correct postage (which varies based on weight.) More About the Canada Post Canada Post Corporation, known more simply as Canada Post (or Postes Canada), is the crown corporation that functions as the countrys primary postal operator. Originally known as Royal Mail Canada, founded in 1867, it was rebranded as Canada Post in the 1960s. On October 16, 1981, the Canada Post Corporation Act officially came into effect. This abolished the Post Office Department and created the present-day crown corporation. The act aimed to set a new direction for the postal service by  ensuring the postal services financial security and independence.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Organization strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Organization strategy - Research Paper Example Facts and Problems: Issues on Leadership, Group Dynamics and Motivation At the moment, the leadership structure of the organization is non-functional. The Objectives and goals of the organization have no enforcing authority. Specifically, the human resource department and training and development department need deeper focus. All the workers are discouraged, without morale and have no clear sense of purpose in the organization. The organization functions in a particularly individualistic and divided manner with no sense of accountability whatsoever. This is seen by the fact that workers do not offer quality service and work in a hurry so that they can attend personal issues. Consequences and Analysis of that problem: The leadership gap has led to recklessness within the organization. Workers have no sense of accountability since people are free to do whatever they wish. Some departments are entirely non functional. The human resource management hires unqualified personnel. This has d estroyed the reputation of the organization. The ill motivated workers have no value for their work. Many keep on resigning because there is no reward management system. Those who are left have no valued for their work. This has resulted in the loss of lives, as reflected in the rise in mortality rates in cardiovascular related cases. The organization has not embraced teamwork. People are individualistic and work for their selfish gain. This has caused the organization to be fragmented and to lack a sense of purpose. No department co-works with another. The organization has no collaborations and its goes and objectives are unclear. The main aims To lift the position of the organization so that it can achieve that goals, missions and objectives that have been set. The leadership structure needs to be functional and productive. This includes being the leading organization in service delivery and high quality treatment. This shall entail a relook into the strategies, establishing a vib rant organizational image and a motivated workforce. These goals are achievable. Change is always met by a few barriers which need to be overcome. Every organization has a culture. This culture helps the organization in achieving its goals and targets. Culture is essentially the accepted ways of doing things in a particular organizational set up. The organization has a culture where people are not used to organize systematic and functional group. Therefore, every worker is a stranger to the colleague in terms of professionalism. Workers have accepted underperforming as part of their lives. This is so because there is not accountability within the hospital. This makes it hard to introduce changes. There are extreme barriers to change because the leadership at departmental level in incompetence. This indicates that they are incapable of dissecting or executing any meaningful changes within the departments of the hospital. Under the departmental leaders are ill trained employees who ar e not motivated. Employees who have no morale cannot spearhead or enact change, (Klubeckne & Padget, 2009). Employees follow the direction of their leaders. The departments have no working policies. Unfairness among the departmental heads leads to resentment and dysfunctional departments within the hospital. Employees go for long without training or refresher courses. The department involved with procurement is ill trained. This has caused

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Declaration of Independence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Declaration of Independence - Essay Example Citizens have natural rights that the government cannot bestow or take away. The country was founded by people who believed this concept and wrote the Constitution to forever protect personal freedoms, a concept not reflective of attitudes toward freedom. To what extent personal freedom should be permitted is not the issue. Personal freedoms are an American birthright that is slowly but surely eroding over time. Whether or not the American people have the courage to protect and restore these freedoms is the real issue. The Founding Fathers displayed courage when they broke away from a tyrannical, oppressive King of England who ruled over the most powerful military at that time to establish a country where personal autonomy was considered the most precious commodity in a society. The seeds of the Founders’ concept of law and freedom emanated from Britain. The Constitution was inspired by the Magna Charta and British philosopher John Locke helped to lay the foundation for the Fo unders’ deep belief in personal freedoms. Locke defined each individual as having the right to â€Å"life, liberty and estate† (Locke, 1960 p. 448). These words have an almost identical mirror in the beginning paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence written nearly 70 years later: â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness† (â€Å"Declaration of Independence† 1776).

Friday, January 24, 2020

John Henry Newman’s Changing Attitude to Infallibility Essay -- Religio

Examine John Henry Newman’s changing attitude to Infallibility, between the end of Vatican 1 in 1870 and Gladstone’s attack in 1875. In this essay I propose to analyse Newman’s attitude to Infallibility during the period outlined above. I will examine his letters in particular to note the range of correspondents and the approaches taken. I will attempt to see a pattern in relation to his views expressed to mere enquirers writing to him, to national and professional writers seeking information or debating points and to family and friends in connection with the doctrine of Infallibility. Over this five-year period I will deduce from mainly primary sources, his views expressed on Infallibility and his developed reasoning and then present conclusions. Firstly a short historical background to Victorian Britain will set the context. Mid-Victorian Britain saw political reform as a main agenda. There was an established order of churches, characterised by denomination but more telling, by social class, and a defined place in society. The plight of the poor and the devastating effects of industrialisation were not uppermost in the church’s role. These views were being challenged with an increasing secularisation of society, by movements set up to reform and give more people a voice in government, and questioning the relevance of the church. The church played a role in e.g. the Christian Socialist Movement, set up as much to control and limit reform as it was to assist the poor. This was a time of expansion by the Catholic Church, since the re-establishment of the hierarch in 1850. Popular liberal attitudes questioned the loyalty of Catholics to the state and since the 1850’s newspapers and periodicals characterised this view as ... ...ring 1982), pp. 86–88. Rahner, K. ‘A Critique of Hans Kung’. Homiletic and Pastoral Review 71, May 1971, pp.10 – 26. Schatz, K. Papal Supremacy: From its Origins to the Present. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1996, pp.151-162. Strange, Roderick. John Henry Newman: A Mind Alive. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 2008. Sugg, J. ed. A Packet of Letters: a selection of correspondence of John Henry Newman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983. Tierney, B. Origins of Papal infallibility 1150 – 1350. (‘Studies in the History of Christian Thought’).Leiden: EJ Brill, 1972. Ward, W. William George Ward and the Catholic Revival. London: Longmans Green andCo.1893, p.274. Accessed 9 March 2014: Wolfe, J. Religion in Victorian Britain: Culture and Empire. Manchester: The Open University Press, 1997.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Philadelphia’s 1793 Yellow Fever: Narrative of the Proceedings of Black People Essay

The 1793 yellow fever outbreak was a national problem. At this time the United States Capital was located in Philadelphia, PA. This essay will focus on the outbreak in Philadelphia, PA, particularly how a few different views of the African American community played a role. During this terrible time thousands of local residents fled Philadelphia, including prominent members of government such as the first United States President, George Washington along with many other community members. A local paper had an ad looking for people of color to help attend to the sick. The ad also assured those helped would not get sick ,and would be compensated. Responding to this ad was Absalom Jones and Richard Allen. Both men were leaders in the African American Community as well as free men. Fast forward to the details of what happened during this period. There were multiple theories as to the cause of the outbreak. Who could or couldn’t contract the disease was unclear as well. Also, accusations of theft and price gouging were made regarding those who helped. Then an article was written by Matthew Carey, a prominent white printer in Philadelphia. While he praised Richard Allen and Absalom Jones for their work (Winch) he suggested that blacks had caused the epidemic, and that some black nurses had charged high fees and even stolen from those for whom they cared. (Carey) This caused a printed rebuttal by Allen to save the reputation of the African American community. Allen wrote for everyone to read about what he personally saw, as he stayed in Philadelphia during the outbreak, and was on the front line helping. Multiple accounts of the helping blacks were noted in his text. Examples of African Americans caring for, treating, and burying the ill are given. In most of these instances no money was taken by the African Americans who stepped up to help. However, Mr. Allen did admit there were a few instances of shady acts by members of his community. Mr. Carey’s accusation of the price gouging and stealing from the ill wasn’t supported by any examples. â€Å"We feel ourselves hurt most by a partial, censorious paragraph, in Mr. Carey’s second edition, of his account of the sickness, in Philadelphia; pages 76 and 77, where he asperses the blacks alone, for having taken advantage of the distressed situation on the people. See more: how to start a narrative essay introduction †(Crowley and Stancliff 283). Since this was printed in multiple editions it appears Mr. Carey did very well financially selling papers, rather than reporting factual information. â€Å"We believe he has made more money by the sale of his ‘scraps’ than a dozen of the greatest extortioners among black nurses. †(Crowley and Stancliff 284). Mr. Allen acknowledges that some blacks have committed crimes, but they have been convicted of their crimes. He also points out Mr. Carey didn’t even stick around to offer any help to the ill; rather, he fled his hometown to help assure his health. Mr. Allen uses some powerful stats in a letter to the Mayor of Philadelphia. The purpose was to show what happened to the beds of the sick after they had passed away and that they were not price gouging. This would counter the claims of Mr. Carey about the blacks stealing from the ill and over charging. The letter was of a chart showing what was paid to the men and women for their service, and what costs were incurred, Then end result was an out pocket loss of –over $27,000 in today’s terms, if the conversion from pounds to dollars chart is correct. Mr. Allen used stats, comparisons, and eye witness accounts to back up his claims that the majority of the blacks who helped during this crisis did so with good intentions, often turning down money offered to them. He also gives a couple of very strong examples of whites taking advantage of the ill. One being of a white woman caring for a couple that both died in one night. She had demanded six pounds, and upon searching bulges in her clothing, she was found in possession of buckles from the gentleman that had passed, among other things. Another account was of four white men that demanded forty dollars just for carrying a coffin downstairs. Lastly, a white woman who was caring for an elderly lady was found with rings, one on her finger and another in her pocket. The Philadelphia mayor praised Allen and Jones as well as the African American community for all their help. All the stats and eye witness accounts of what happened makes Mr. Allen’s account believable and admirable. Mr. Carey was not there for the duration of the epidemic and did not back up his accusations with evidence. This also makes Mr. Allen’s account more convincing. Mr. Allen seems to cover the good and bad accounts of his community. When he examines the whites that helped all that was noted was that of stealing and price gouging. Again, the article Mr. Carey prints doesn’t back up his community with any examples of good deeds. In conclusion, Mr. Allen, the author did his best to defend his community to anyone that read his text. He was very clear, easy to understand, and didn’t seem to present a biased view. He presented his account, both the good as well as the bad, and made me feel like Mr. Carey was not a credible author. Works Cited Crowley, Sharon, and Michael Stancliff. â€Å"A narrative of the proceedings of the black people during the late awful calamity in Philadelphia. † Critical Situations a Rhetoric for Writing in Communities. Lauren A. Finn. Penguin Academics, 2008. 281-95. Print. Carey, Matthew. â€Å"A short account of the malignant fever. † 1794. P. 63 web. Retrieved June 20 2013. Winch, Julie. â€Å"on Jones and Allen’s responses to Carey. † Part 3. Philadelphia, Yellow Fever Epidemics. PBS. org. 1998. Retrieved June 20 2013.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Humanitarian Intervention, NATO and International Law Essay

Much recent discourse surrounding humanitarian intervention has focused on the responsibility to protect (R2P). Prevention is a key component for good international relations and few would say it is not important, but as evidence to date would show prevention is very ineffective, the legality of military intervention still needs to be debated, as to date there is no consensus. For any intervention to be legitimate, whether unilateral or multilateral, it must comply with international law. So as not to cause any confusion, any situation in which an â€Å"intervention† is done with the permission or by request of the state being intervened, should be considered humanitarian assistance as state sovereignty is not breached. This paper will†¦show more content†¦This section was further accepted in the Vienna Convention as an unalterable norm. Article 2 (7) goes on to state that the UN will not intervene in matters considered domestic jurisdiction. Article 2 emphasi zes the rudimentary importance of sovereignty in international law as almost absolute. This belief has been further demonstrated in General Assembly Resolutions. Resolution 2625, accepts the Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States. Amongst other considerations, it confirms the importance of the Charter and sovereign equality. General Assembly Resolution 3314, defines aggression and calls upon members to refrain from aggression as well as other uses of force that would not be in compliance with the Charter. It also reinforces the Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States. Declaration 42/22, the approval of the Declaration on the Enhancement of the Effectiveness of the Principle of Refraining from the Threat or Use of Force in International Relations, once again reaffirms the importance of non-intervention, the importance of peaceful relations and t he necessity for peaceful means to be used in conflict resolution because a) the risks and concerns associated with conflict and more importantly in thisShow MoreRelatedNato State Practice Of Libya947 Words   |  4 PagesB. NATO State Practice in Libya The French initiated military action against Libya on March 19, 2011, with NATO taking over operational control of the action on March 25, 2011. Again, under the leadership of NATO, air power was deployed to stop human rights abuses on the ground. This time, the use of force was authorized by the UN Security Council. NATO’s intervention came in the form of an air campaign—the so-called operation â€Å"Unified Protector†--which targeted Libyan air defense capabilitiesRead MoreThe Responsibility Of Protecting  ´1710 Words   |  7 PagesThe  ´Responsibility to Protect ´ (R2P) concept first came about in a 2001 report from the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS), which was set up after, then Secretary General, Kofi Annan, said there needed to be some a change in the United Nations charter regarding military forces in humanitarian interventions. This came following the criticism of the NATO intervention in Kosovo in 1999. The report further evolved into the concept that was approved in the UN’s GeneralRead MoreThe Realist Theory Of International Relations1545 Words   |  7 Pagesal-Gaddafi ’s regime’s end was different from others as it was intervened by coalition states and NATO. Libya’s intervene was carried out by the 1973 numbered resolution of United Nations Security Council in March, 2011. The reasons of the intervention were expanding democracy in the region, ending Gaddafi’s violence through civilians and changing the regime. However, unlike other interventions in international area, it was quick and sudden. Therefore it was obvious that other than providing good lifeRead MoreHumanitarian intervention: Humanitarian intervention termed as the use of military power to600 Words   |  3 PagesHumanitarian intervention: Humanitarian intervention termed as the use of military power to intervene on another for the sake of safeguard civilians, individuals, and their human rights. In Rwanda on the commencement of April 1994 and enduring for ninety days, tutus and moderate Hutus turn out to be the target of a genocidal movement that caused in 800,000 deaths. similarly in July 1995,with UN peace keepers present, 8000 Bosnian men and boys were executed in the innocuous harbor of Srebrenica overRead MoreThe Case Of Kosovo And Unilateral Humanitarian Intervention3646 Words   |  15 Pagesunilateral humanitarian intervention was established by the events that transpired in Kosovo between March and June of 1999 (Tesà ³n, 2009). NATO’s intervention in Kosovo has confirmed the doctrine of humanitarian intervention as legal custom. The Kosovo incident also gave expression to the moral consensus in the international community that severe tyranny should not be tolerated. The facts in this case are well known and have been extensively documented, especially in The Independent International CommissionRead MoreThe Legal Foundation For Humanitarian Intervention Essay1219 Words   |  5 PagesThe legal foundation for humanitarian intervention was established in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Lecture 11/15/16). Genocide, as decided by the, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they (contracted members) undertake to prevent and to punishRead MoreThe Successes and Failures of the Mission1135 Words   |  5 Pagesthe United Nations had enforced the law of intervention, spearheaded by the U.S. and their allies. The revolution in Libya considerably awoke the attention of international community, particularly th at of great powers. The military intervention into Libya is said to use â€Å" all necessary measures to stop bloodthirsty attacks of Gaddafi and protect civilians. They had limited successes in terms of putting an end to Gaddafi’s government. However, the UN intervention in Libya has raised an amount of controversyRead MoreGenocide in Srebrenica and the Birth of R2P1025 Words   |  4 Pagesto deal with the Serb takeover and watched as women were raped, children were murdered, and men and boys were gunned down. In one of the worst acts of genocide since the holocaust, the international community’s response mirrored that of the peacekeepers on the ground in Srebrenica—watch and wait. By the time NATO forces intervened to force peace talks, nearly 100,000 people were dead from the civil war, 65% of whom were Bosniaks. 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Key: FRY – Former Republic of Yugoslavia On March 23rd 1999, the National Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) began a three-month period under the name Operation Allied Force, which involved the bombing of the Former Republic of Yugoslavia. Allegedly, the reason for this was to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Kosovar Albanians in Serbia under Slobodan Milosevic’s regime. NATO itself has provided